Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Exploring Conformational Analysis using Molecular Models

1. Draw the molecule methane using the wedge and dash depiction

2.      Draw ethane in wedge and dash depiction, sawhorse depiction and in its Newman projection. Show both eclipsed and anti forms.
Click on the image to enlarge
3.      Draw butane in wedge and dash depiction, sawhorse depiction and in its Newman projection looking down the 2,3 bond. Show eclipse, gauche and anti forms.
Click on the image to enlarge

4.      Draw all Newman projections of 2-methylhexane showing eclipsed, gauche and anti forms. Rotate about the 3,4 carbon-carbon bond and watch what happens to the groups. Draw a potential energy diagram for the rotation about the 3,4 carbon-carbon bond plotting Potential Energy versus Torsion Angle.
Click on image to enlarge
5.      Draw cyclopropane and cyclobutane in three dimensions, be sure to include the hydrogen atoms.
6.       Draw the chair form of cyclohexane.

7.       Draw the following molecules twice, once using the chair conformation AND once using the wedge and dash depiction.

1,2 cis-dimethylcyclohexane

1,2 trans-dibromocyclohexane

1,3 cis-dichlorocyclohexane

1,3 trans-dimethylcyclohexane

1,4 cis-dimethylcyclohexane

1,4 trans-dibromocyclohexane
Click on the image to enlarge

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